Rules and Regulation

The Centre of Excellence in Academics and Personality Development

Our motive is to provide International Quality Education to every student by Qualified and Experienced Faculty

School Timings (Main Campus):

Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during school hours without submitting parents’/guardians’ prior written application and with approval of the Headmistress. Parents must ensure safe and timely transportation of their children as per the following timings:

Monday to Thursday



Arrival Gate


Dispersal Gate

One & Two

7:50 am


1:10 pm


Three & Four

7:50 am


1:40 pm


 Five till O’III

7:50 am


2:00 pm

JINNAH (Car Riders)

On Friday



Arrival Gate


Dispersal Gate

One & Two

7:50 am


12:30 pm


Three & Four

7:50 am


12:30 pm


 Five till O’III

7:50 am


12:30 pm

  JINNAH (Car Riders) 


Note: JINNAH Gate will be operational at both timings for the students using their own transport. ABDUL QADEER Gate will be operational at dispersal time only for van riders.

School Timings (ZIDC – Z Innovative Digital Campus):

Monday to Thursday



Arrival              Gate


           Dispersal Gate

Play Group Nursery

9:00 am


12:00 pm


KG Junior & Senior

9:00 am


     1:00 pm


On Friday



Arrival Gate


             Dispersal Gate

Play Group & Nursery

9.00 am


      11:30 am


KG Junior & Senior

9:00 am


11:30 am



The necessary behaviour of a ZEENIAN is shown below:

  • Behave politely at all times.
  • School property is worthy of respect including sports items and should be stored correctly.
  • The classroom must always be left in a suitable condition.
  • No chewing gum and frizzy drinks may be brought into school.
  • Calling out or interrupting is not acceptable; raise your hand to contribute in class. Work should be set out as instructed by the teacher.
  • You are expected to be on time for lessons; if late written apologies with a reasonable explanation must be submitted to the teacher.
  • If a lesson is to be missed, notify the class teacher in advance.
  • If absent for any reason, it is your responsibility to catch up with the work missed.
  • Gadgets are strictly prohibited to bring the school area. 


1.    Regularity and Punctuality:

  • In the morning, entry gates will be closed at 07:50 a.m. at the main campus and 09:15. a.m. sharp at ZIDC.
  • During dispersal, Abdul Qadeer Khan gate will be closed at 2:20 p.m. sharp and Iqbal gate at 2:10 p.m. sharp.


  • If a student gets late twice a month, he/she will be sent back home on the third late arrival.
  • Students are not allowed to leave school premises, for any purpose before closing time. 
  • The School Management does not stand for any responsibility regarding students’ transportation. The commuting arrangements have to be made by the Parents/Guardians with private contractors on their own.

Application for leave:

  • If the child is absent, a leave application must be sent to the headmistress. A medical certificate is to be attached if the student is on medical leave for more than a day.
  • Students suffering from contagious or infectious diseases will not be permitted to attend school until proof of recovery is certified by the doctor. 
  • Completion of work for the absentees: For better convenience, it would be better for parents to come with a prior appointment and get their child’s work completed. Also, parents are required to inform the reception priorly if it is for more than one day.
  • Short leaves are not allowed. In case of a genuine reason, a leave application is to be submitted by the parents. Absence during a test or examination would result in zero marks.

2.    Studies:

  • Parents are to observe their children completing homework and studying regularly.
  • Parents are requested not to correct anything in the child’s exercise copies. If they have any suggestions or complaints, they must write them in their child’s diary and ask the child to show them to the concerned teacher. If there is no response, then please visit /call the respective Coordinator or email us at

3.    Examination (I & II):

  • There will be no formal examination till Stage Two, but the students will be informally assessed, during the class throughout the session.

4. Term Examination Policy:

  • Two Examinations will be held during the academic year from Stage Three onwards; First Term Exam in December and Final Term Exam in May. Students who fail twice in the same Stage will be required to leave the school.
  • Any queries/complaints regarding student’s progress and behaviour must be in writing and emailed directly to the Headmistress at
  • School Management strongly discourages private tuition. Our School Teachers are not allowed to provide private tutoring services to our students.

5. Annual Promotion Policy:



From Stage III to VII


Students clearing all papers with a minimum of 60% in Exams shall be promoted. In case of failing in one core subject or two non-core subjects, promotion to the next Stage shall not be granted.

·         Core subjects are: English, Urdu, Mathematics and Science

·         Non-core subjects are: English Literature, Islamiyat, Social Studies / Pakistan Studies & Computer Studies  

From Stage VIII onwards

All subjects are compulsory to be cleared for the promotion to the next Stage.

Compulsory Subjects for HIFZ Students:


In Stage I and II: English, Urdu and Mathematics.

From Stage III till VI: English, Urdu, Mathematics and Science.

HIFZ programme is offered only to Grade I and II after careful evaluation by the Qari Sahab.

6. Board Examination:

  • Stage SIX is equivalent to Primary Checkpoint Qualification. All students must appear in this Exam, held under the supervision of CAIE and certificates are awarded by them to the students.
  • Stage EIGHT & OI are equivalent to Lower Secondary Checkpoint Qualification. It is mandatory for all students to appear, which is held by the CAIE and certificates are awarded by them to the students. 

Subjects for Exams: English, Mathematics and Science (for Both Qualifications)

  • CAIE O-Level is based under the following groups of subjects:

Science Group – Pre-medical/Pre-engineering, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

Computer Group – Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

Commerce Group – Accounts. Business Studies, Economics and Mathematics. 

7. Bonus Marks:

The child will be observed and marked for the whole year according to the following criteria and it will be added in the examination results.


                      Description of Marks

Overall Discipline






Overall Hygiene


Sports and Swimming


Co-Curricular Activity Participation


Spoken English


8. Extra-Curricular Activities:

Parents are requested to encourage their children to take part in Co-Curricular activities conducted by the school on a timely basis. Students have to attend all the school programmes. In case of absence, assigned bonus marks will be deducted for each activity. Remember that all the bonus marks will be included in the First and Final Term Result Mark Sheets.

9. Conduct and Discipline:

  1. A minimum of 80% attendance is compulsory; otherwise, students will not be allowed to appear in Term Assessments / Term Exams.
  2. Any discussion with parents regarding their child shall be held in the presence of the Coordinator and the concerned teachers in the School Office only.
  3. If a problem arises, the parents must inform the Headmistress in writing for a prior appointment; direct contact with the teacher is not allowed.
  4. Parents/relatives are not allowed to meet children within the school hours.
  5. Parents / Guardians are not allowed to take their child to his/her classroom.
  6. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, misbehaving, and disorderly or inappropriate conduct will result in dismissal.
  7. Management will not tolerate misconduct or inappropriate behaviour from students, parents or guardians. The consequence of such actions will be immediate admission cancellation. 
  8. Damage to school property will be charged. In such a case, the decision of the Headmistress will be considered final.
  9. Running, playing and shouting within the school building is strictly prohibited.
  10. The school is not responsible for any article mislaid or lost by the student.
  11. Students are discouraged either from bringing valuables or extra money to school.
  12. Borrowing and lending of any materials amongst students are strictly discouraged.
  13. The school is not responsible for any accidents that may happen with students outside the school premises after school hours. 
  14. Mobile phones are strictly not allowed. If found, it will be confiscated by the management. Parents have to pay Rs. 1000/- as a penalty to release the device. If the violation is repeated, the device will then be returned to the parents by the end of the session.
  15. Faded, short, torn and un-ironed uniforms are not allowed. Students might be sent home without any warning.
  16. Students who have nits and lice will not be allowed to attend school until the problem is solved. 
  17. Children are allowed to wear only simple black strip wristwatches. Girls can wear small and simple earrings at their own risk.
  18. We strongly recommend that your children take a proper healthy homemade breakfast before coming to school. 
  19. School textbooks and notebooks will be provided by a book vendor recommended by School.
  20. Ensure that all your child’s belongings have proper labelling on them; whether it is a school bag, thermos, lunch box, pencil box, blazer or scarf. Complete Name and Stage with the section is to be written on them with permanent ink. Avoid fancy stationery boxes and items.

10. Fees:

  1. All fee dues should be paid at the assigned bank only. School Management will not be responsible for any cash dealing with any of its staff members.
  2. Monthly fees must be paid on time. After the due date, Rs. 500/- will be charged as a late fee. If the fee is not paid during the respective month, then a penalty of Rs. 1,000/- will be added; collectively Rs. 1,500/- will be charged as late payment. Additionally, the student will not be allowed to attend the class if dues for the current month aren’t cleared by the 30th day of the month.  
  3. Due to any reason, if the fee is unpaid for two consecutive calendar months, the student’s name will automatically be stricken from the following month. 
  4. Stage O-III students have to pay June and July fees respectively, as the session consists of 12 months (starting in August and ending in July)
  5. In case of a bounced cheque for the Monthly Fee, a 5-day notice period will be given to the parent after which, the student will not be allowed to attend Stages until clearance of school fees. Legal action may be taken in such a case. 
  6. Receipts are only valid if stamped and signed by the bank. It is the responsibility of Parents/guardians to submit a paid copy to School’s Office. A homework diary can be used to submit a receipt or a WhatsApp image can be sent to 0300-0773442/0300 0773443.
  7. Other Charges: Parents are supposed to pay annual Pool Registration and ID Card charges. If ID Card is lost, parents are liable to inform the school immediately via Homework diary. A new ID Card will be issued and the cost for it will be included in the next monthly fee.
  8. Parents are requested to follow the instructions given in the fee voucher.

11. Science & I.T Laboratories:

  • Students are responsible for the apparatus that is being used in the laboratory. In case of breakage or misplacement of any apparatus by a student, he/she will have to restore the damage by paying the cost of the apparatus.
  • Misuse of the computers will not be tolerated. Strict action will be taken in case of mishandling of electronic devices. 

12. Library:

  • Issued books should be returned within the due date. If a book is required for a longer period, it must be informed to the librarian who will extend the issue date, if the book is not required by others.
  • Damage to the book will be penalized with a fine amounting to the cost of the book or replacement. The decision of the librarian or the Headmistress will be treated as final.
  • It is strictly prohibited to write any remarks or to underline words in a book. Any mutilation or scribbling will be penalized with a fine as may be imposed by the librarian or by the Headmistress.
  • Before issuing a book, its physical condition should be analysed and accounted for. Otherwise, the student will be held responsible for the damages.

13. Withdrawal:

  • The intended withdrawal of a student should be notified in writing only by parents/guardians one monthin advance. Otherwise, one month’s fees will be charged in place of notice. Additionally, the security deposit and School Leaving Certificate will not be issued.
  • 10 days of absents from school without any information will lead to the striking of the student’s name from the school roll. Such students may be re-admitted later only by making payment of the current Admission Fee and depending on the availability of a seat.
  • School leaving certificate will not be issued until all the school dues are cleared on time. 
  • Students applying for School Leaving Certificate before the summer vacation will have to pay dues for the vacation months, i.e. June and July.  

14. Parents Teachers Meeting (PTM):

  • There will be TWO Parents Teachers Meetings in a Term; one at the beginning of the session and the second before the Term Exams. Therefore, parents may book a prior appointment to discuss any matter related to the student.
  • Circulars are issued from time to time to keep you updated about school affairs. Read the notice carefully, and acknowledge them in the students’ diary too.
  • Parents must maintain a record of circulars for their information.

15. Uniform:

Following protocols are mandatory to be followed:




Play Group

·         Casual Dress

(Fancy clothing is strictly prohibited)

·         Casual Dress

(Fancy clothing is strictly prohibited)

Nursery to Senior KG

·         White Shirt

·         Shorts

·         Tie

·         Black Shoes

·         Blue Socks

·         Blue Pinafore with white top

·         Black Shoes

·         Blue Socks

Stage I till III


·         White Shirt

·         Blue Short/Pant

·         Tie

·         Black Shoes

·         Blue Socks

·         Blue Pinafore with white top

·         Black Shoes

·         Blue Socks

Stage IV and V


·         White Shirt

·         Blue Pant/Trouser

·         Tie

·         Black Shoes

·         Blue Socks

·         Blue Kameez

·         White Shalwar

·         White Sash

·         Black Shoes

·         Blue Socks

Stage VI to O levels


·         White Shirt

·         Blue Pant/Trouser  

·         Tie

·         Black Shoes

·         Blue Socks

·         Blue Kameez

·         White Shalwar

·         White Dupatta/Scarf

·         Black Shoes

·         Blue Socks

PE dress is compulsory (according to House Colour) only on PE day along with

White Shoes and white Socks


The school management possesses the rights and authority to change/add any rule(s) as may be deemed expedient by it without any prior notice either prospectively or retrospectively.

The school management decision in all academic, disciplinary and other matters will be treated as final and cannot be challenged in any court of law.


Being on time is a life skill important to each student’s future, and schools share the responsibility to teach the importance of this skill. Tardiness of individual students interrupts instructional time for all students. Promptness to class allows the teachers to begin the instruction on time for everyone. Tardiness to class is defined as not being physically in the room at 8:00 am.
  • Three tardies is equal to 1 unexcused absence
  • Three unexcused absences due to tardiness will result in a 7:00 am detention on the following school day.
  • If tardiness continues suspension from school will be at the discretion of the administration.

Student’s Responsibilities

To attend school daily, on time and participate fully. The student who has been absent has the responsibility for securing and completing make-up assignments. The class work must be made up within a specific time period equaling one day make-up per one day absence. In case of a pre-arranged absence, the class work is due the day the student returns to school. All work not made up within the time limit will be graded zero.

Administrator’s Responsibilities

  • To review the attendance of students and to contact parent/guardian when a student has excessive absences.
  • To take appropriate steps, to insure that students attend school in a timely manner on a regular basis.
  • 5 (five) absences: Parents will be notified of days absent and reminded of the need for regular attendance by letter or telephone.
  • 10 (ten) absences: A mandatory meeting with parents and principals will be held to develop an intervention plan regarding attendance. The intervention plan will be pro-active and problem solving in nature.
  • 18 (eighteen) absences could result in retention (4.5 per quarter).